On acupuncture as an alternative therapy
Acupuncture practitioners do not diagnose conditions, prescribe, or perform medical treatments, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. Acupuncture is not a substitute for western medical care. It is recommended that you see a licensed physician or licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological ailment that you may have.​
Methods used during an acupuncture session may include, but are not limited to: acupuncture, moxibustion, guasha, cupping, massage
On the safety of acupuncture
Whilst acupuncture is a generally safe method, it is not possible to consider every possible complication, and there are some risks involved.
These can be categorised in two categories:
Minor adverse events such as bruising, mild discomfort, tingling at or near needling sites, dizziness, fainting, or symptoms becoming temporarily worse. Minors burns and temporary scarring are potential risks of moxibustion, cupping and heat lamps.
Serious adverse events such as pneumothorax, organ puncture, nerve damage, infection.
A study by White A. (2006) analysed more than 66 000 treatments of acupuncture, and the incidence of serious adverse events was zero, whilst only 2178 minor adverse events were reported.
The author concluded that acupuncture was safe when performed by trained professionals.
More information about acupuncture safety can be found on the Evidence Based Acupuncture website.
Your practitioner and the British Acupuncture Council
Your practitioner is a former member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) and as such has received an extensive training of more than 3600 hours, including 400+ hours of clinical practice.
He follows the BAcC’s Code of Safe Practice and Professional Code of Conduct. Amongst other measures, a clean and safe environment is being maintained, notably by using disposable, single use sterile needles.
Any formal complaint can be made by writing an email to your therapist, and/or by following the BAcC's Complaints Procedure.
During your session
In general, loose clothes are better suited to receive acupuncture, as most points used are located on the limbs; loose clothes may permit access to these points without the need to undress.
However, sometimes you may still be required to undress down to your underwear; if required, towels can be provided for your comfort and privacy.
As explained above, some adverse reactions may occur, especially mild discomfort and bruising at or near the needling site, during or following the session.
You practitioner will do his best to explain his conclusions and the aim of your session, as well as notify you of the points he will use before doing so. You may ask any question related to your session at any time.
Your consent to receiving acupuncture
Your written consent prior must be given prior to the start of your session. Without this no acupuncture will be performed.
However, you remain free to withdraw this consent at any time before or during your appointment - the earlier the better. This can include removing consent for all or some specific procedures, or body areas. Please let your practitioner know as soon as possible; he will check regularly with you to make sure everything is fine for you.
If you chose to withdraw or modify your consent during your session, your practitioner will adapt or cease the session, according to your preferences, his professional judgement, and above all your health and safety. Your comfort and wellbeing are his main focus.
A detailed and note of this in-session withdrawal will be made in the written or electronic record kept by your therapist.
Cancellation policy
When you book a session, your appointment time is reserved just for you. A late cancellation or missed visit leaves a hole in the therapist's day. This is a session that could have been received by another client who would have needed it, and now it won't be possible.
Whilst we do understand that life happens, and not everything is under your control, please let us know as soon as possible if you are unable to come to your appointment. We require 24 hours notice for any cancellations or changes to your appointment. Clients who provide less than 24 hours notice, or miss their appointment, will be charged a cancellation fee.
In case of no show or if you give less than two hours notice, the full price of your session will be charged.